Paul Carter: paulcarter@pacapix.com
Website: www.pacapix.com
This site hosts data and images from my wildlife travels which focus on mammal watching and photography, with an emphasis on small mammals. By end-2024 I had seen over 1230 mammal species.
Section A below summarizes the main pages shown on the MENU bar.
Section B lists recent trips by year and shows links to completed reports and posts.
Shortcuts to each year shown are: 2025, 2024, 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017.
A. Menu Pages
Pages shown on the main menu bar are:
HOME / ABOUT and WILDLIFE GEAR, a detailed account of the gear I travel with.
POSTS: This page shows previews of posts; most recent first.
COUNTRIES: This provides links to country pages. Each country page is a summary that includes my country mammal lists and links to site reports as well as regional references and other data.
Clicking on a country listed under the “Categories” shown on the sidebar will show previews of any post or page tagged to that country category (and should not be confused with the country page summaries linked to from the main menu).
GALLERY: Last updated 2021.
MAMMALS: Posts on selected mammal species.
REPTILES: Posts on selected reptile species.
B. List of Trips by Year
This summary includes links to key site reports (posts) and country summaries (pages). The full names of key trip companions are listed at the bottom of this page.
- South Africa (Oct-Nov).
- Thailand (April-Oct).
- Oman – UAE – Qatar (March-April) – including Qatar MotoGP.
- CAR (March).
- USA (Feb).
- Philippines (Jan): Sabang area (Palawan Island).
- Thailand (Jan).
- Vietnam: Cat Tien NP.
- West Malaysia: Tanjung Tuan.
- South Africa (Nov-Dec): Gourikwa Reserve.
- Zanzibar (Nov): reports in progress.
- Oman (Oct). With CP, MW and KW. Reports in progress.
- Thailand (Sep-Oct): Phuket.
- Indonesia: Siberut Island in the Mentawais (7-12 Sep), 10 endemics seen; with IT.
- Thailand: Baan Maka Nature Lodge (Aug).
- Vietnam (July): Cuc Phuong NP (Halong Leaf-nosed Bat), Danang (Red-shanked Douc), Nui Thanh (Grey-shanked Douc), Bach Ma NP (Small-toothed Ferret Badger). With CP.
- Thailand (May-June, Aug-Oct). Phuket.
- USA: Florida (April): Round-tailed Muskrat photographed.
- USA: California (March-May); including one week with IT.
- Thailand (Feb).
- Australia: Victoria (Feb).
- New Zealand: South Island (Jan). With CP.
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2023 (RTC)
- Australia: Victoria (Dec).
- Nepal (Oct-Nov). 2nd trip. With CP. +50 mammals seen in Nepal. Kathmandu, Pokhara, Chitwan NP.
- Thailand (August-October + Nov): Sunda Pangolin on Phuket.
- Peru (June) – site reports in progress; Streaked Dwarf Porcupine (Coendou ichillus) photographed.
- Bolivia – Northern (June): Sadiri Lodge, Rurrenebaque, Las Tortugas.
- Bolivia – Southern (May-June): Jaguarland and Kaa-Iya. With SC.
- Paraguay (May), with SC.
- Thailand (March, April).
- USA: California (Jan-Feb).
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- USA: California (Dec).
- South Africa (Nov/Dec).
- South Africa (Nov) – dead Humpback Whale (False Bay).
- West and North Thailand (Nov) with ID, DS.
- Nepal (Oct) – Chitwan NP, Bardia NP, Pokhara, Langtang NP, Kathmandu.
- West Malaysia (Aug), with CP.
- Thailand: Phuket (Apr-Sep).
- USA (Mar-Apr): California to Texas road-trip for mammals and Austin MotoGP; with CP.
- Panama (6-20 Feb 2022), with CP: 36 mammal species seen including Alston’s Woolly Mouse Opossum; site reports on the Boquete and Gamboa areas.
- USA (Jan-Feb).
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- Belize (3-18 Dec 2021), with CP: +40 mammal species seen (including Hatt’s Vesper Rat and Baird’s Tapir). Reptiles included Creaser’s Mud Turtle (first record outside Mexico).
- USA (Sep-Nov 2021).
- Thailand: Phuket (Apr-Sep 2021).
- South Africa – Western Cape (Jan-Mar 2021, I was stuck here 5 months during the Covid pandemic):
Dunedin Farm (Riverine Rabbit Retreat): updated my Dunedin Farm Mammal Guide (based on three visits (2016, 2018, 2021); species include Riverine Rabbit, Karoo Sengi and Large-eared Mouse.
St Helena Bay – Dusky Dolphin.
Wilderness (2019-2021); including Cape Dune Mole-rat, Brants’s Climbing Mouse, Woodland Thicket Rat.
Bryde’s Whale in False Bay. - Return to Contents.
- South Africa – Western Cape (Nov-Dec 2020):
Strandfontein; Haviside’s Dolphin, Brants’s Whistling Rat.
Bryde’s Whale in False Bay. - South Africa – Northern Cape (2020 Dec): Kgalagadi NP, Augrabies Falls NP.
- England and Jersey (2020 Sep-Oct).
- Scotland (Aug 2020) with NC.
- Iceland (2020 Aug): mammal highlight was Artic Fox at Modrudalur.
- USA – California (stuck here 6 months because of Covid pandemic); trips included Big Bear Lake, San Bernardino Mountains (2020 June) with CH.
- South Africa – Western Cape (2020 Feb).
- Thailand (2020 Jan).
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- USA – Death Valley NP, Monterey (2019 Nov).
- Mongolia (2019 Aug); trip organised by me; joined by KB, IT, SO, AP.
- Japan – Honshu (2019 April); with VD + 1.
- Costa Rica (2019 Mar-Apr) with CP.
- South Africa – Western Cape (2019 Mar); Bryde’s Whale.
- Laos (2019 Feb) with HF.
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- Thailand – Peninsula and West (2018 Oct).
- Australia – Darwin, Kakadu NP (2018 Sep).
- Gabon (2018 Aug); group trip (Jon Hall and others).
- Thailand – South (2018 June).
- USA – California and Arizona (2018 Apr-May).
- Ethiopia (2018 Mar-Apr).
- South Africa – Cedarberg, Karoo (2018 Mar).
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- Western Australia (2017 Nov), with CP.
- Thailand – Peninsula (2017 Sep-Oct).
- England (2017 Aug): mammals, a wedding and Silverstone MotoGP; with CP.
- Jersey, Channel Islands (2017 Aug), with CP.
- Czech Republic (2017 Aug): mammals and Brno MotoGP; with CP.
- Hungary (2017 July) with CP.
- USA – California (2017 April-July).
- Brazil Amazon (2017 June); group trip led by Fiona Reid.
- Thailand – Baan Maka (2017 Mar).
- Thailand – Kanchanaburi area (2017 Mar) with ID, DS.
- Flores, Indonesia (2017 Feb), with CP.
- Bali, Indonesia (2017 Feb). See post on Bali Mammal records (posted 2022), Dugong report (posted 2022) and Geoffroy‘s Rousette post.
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Trip Companions mentioned: CH – Charles Hood, CP – Chi Phan, DS – Dave Sargeant, GP – Games Punjapa, HF – Holly Faithfull, ID – Ian Dugdale, IT – Ian Thompson, JG – Jose Gabriel, JH – Jon Hall, KB – Kevin Bryan, KW – Kat Wilson, MW – Matt Wilson, NC – Nick Cox, PT – Phil Telfer, SC – Stuart Chapman, SO – Sjef Ollers, VD – Vladimir Dinets.
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