
Las Tortugas Lodge and Yacuma River mammal records (2023, Bolivia)

SUMMARY: On a two-night stay at Las Tortugas Lodge, on the banks of the Yacuma River, I saw 14 mammal species, excluding three identified only at genus level. Mammals included five primates, Bolivian River Dolphin, Crab-eating Fox and Common Four-eyed Opossum. I also saw 7 reptile species including Yellow-bellied Liophis and South American Sipo. The lodge is 4 km south of Santa Rosa de Yacuma (Beni Department, Bolivia) and 85 km northeast of Rurrenabaque.

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Jaguarland mammal records (Bolivia, 2023)

SUMMARY: On a four-night mammal-watching trip (2023 May 20-24) with Stuart Chapman to Jaguarland (eastern Bolivia) we saw 29 mammal species, plus at least five with tentative identification; and 4 reptile species. Highlights were Jaguar (a mating pair and singles), Jaguarundi, Tayra, Six-banded Armadillo and a tree-roost of Lesser Bulldog Bat. Our guide was Mauricio Peñaranda del Carpio from Nick’s Adventures.

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Sadiri Lodge mammal records (Bolivia, 2023)

SUMMARY: Sadiri Lodge is known as a birding destination with +400 bird species recorded. An online search showed walking trails on a forested ridge with mammal potential so I visited in June 2023 for four nights. I saw +17 mammal species at the lodge, including Western Amazonian Mouse Opossum, Ferreiras Spiny Tree Rat, Simon’s Spiny Rat and Vargas Llosa’s Bristly Mouse. We also saw fresh footprint of Bush Dog which Raul Navi (my lodge guide) has seen here before. In the nearby lowlands we also saw Madidi Tit Monkey.

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In Bolivia during May-June 2023 I saw +57 mammal species and 14 reptile species. Larger mammals included Chacoan Peccary, Jaguar, Puma, Ocelot, Tayra and Madidi Titi Monkey. Small mammal highlights included Foster’s Punare, Vargas Llosa’s Bristly Mouse and a roost of Lesser Bulldog Bat. In southern Bolivia I travelled with Stuart Chapman and we used tour operator Nick’s Adventures for the main sites which included Jaguarland (a private ranch) and Kaa-Iya NP. In northern Bolivia I flew into Rurrenabaque and visited Sadiri Lodge and Las Tortugas Lodge.

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