
Taman Negara (Malaysia) mammal trip – June 2012

On a  5 day visit with Dave Sargeant to Taman Negara NP (Peninsular Malaysia), in mid-June 2012, we saw 23 mammal species, 125 birds and 3 snakes. We spent 4 nights in the Kuala Tahan area and then 2 nights at Sungai Relau. The mammals seen included Malayan Tapir, Leopard Cat, Sundaic Arboreal Niviventer, Bower’s Berylmys, Grey Tree Rat and 6 squirrel species. Link to trip report pdf including photos:  20120617-TamanNegara(Malaysia)-PaulCarter-TRv2.

Prevost's Squirrel
Prevost’s Squirrel

Birds seen included Large Frogmouth, Barred Eagle-Owl, Jambu Fruit Dove and Garnet Pitta. Dave’s detailed report on the birding is posted on his website