SUMMARY: In December 2024 I saw three Bare-rumped Pouched Bat on two trees in Tanjung Tuan Forest. It is a widespread species, from India to Northern Australia, but it is infrequently reported e.g. only 20 observations on iNaturalist and 37 on Map of Life (Dec 2024). On my two visits (July 2022 and Dec 2024) I saw 10 mammal species at Tanjung Tuan and another four at Thistle Port Dixon Resort (2 km north of Tanjung Tuan). MORE PHOTOS WILL BE POSTED LATER.
Paul Carter ( Posted 2024 Dec 9.
A) Mammal list
B) Mammal images and notes
C) Reptiles
D) Bird records
E) Site and trip information
F) References
Abbreviations: Ph – Photographed. NP – Not photographed. iNat – iNaturalist. MDD – Mammal Diversity Database. MOL – Map of Life. 24-hour time is written as “hhmm” e.g. “3:49 PM” is written as “1549” or “1549h”.
- Bare-rumped Pouched Bat (Saccolaimus saccolaimus). AKA Pouched Tomb Bat. PH. 2024. 2 sightings (3 bats): iNat post1 and iNat post2.
- Lesser False Vampire Bat (Megaderma spasma). PH. 2022+2024.
- Trefoil Horseshoe Bat (Rhinolophus trifoliatus). PH. 2022+2024.
- Flying Squirrel sp. probably Red-cheeked Flying Squirrel (Hylopetes spadiceus) or Javanese Flying Squirrel (Iomys horsfieldii). Very poor view – very high up, 2022.
- Black-striped Squirrel (Callosciurus nigrovittatus). PH. 2022+2024.
- Plantain Squirrel (Callosciurus notatus). PH. 2022+2024.
- Lesser Treeshrew (Tupaia minor). PH. 2022.
- Common Treeshrew (Tupaia glis). PH. 2022.
- Dusky Langur (Trachypithecus obscurus). PH. 2022+2024.
- Long-tailed Macaque (Macaca fascicularis). PH. 2022+2024.
Other species seen within 5 km of Tanjung Tuan:
The following species were seen at nearby Thistle Port Dixon Resort but not seen at Tanjung Tuan.
- Lesser Short-nosed Fruitbat (Cynopterus brachyotis). PH. Roosting in palm trees at Thistle Resort
- Lesser Asian Yellow Bat (Scotophilus kuhlii). PH. Photographed in flight at dusk.
- Pipistrelle sp? NP. Audio. At Thistle Resort.
- Rattus sp (Rattus tanezumi?). PH. At Thistle Resort.
#1 – Bare-rumped Pouched Bat (Saccolaimus saccolaimus):
Seen 15-25m above ground resting on tree trunks. Two sightings: 2 bats at 2128h (iNat post) and 1 bat at 2153h (iNat post):

#2 – Lesser False Vampire Bat (Megaderma spasma): Seen in a culvert, a hut and trees.
#3 – Trefoil Horseshoe Bat (Rhinolophus trifoliatus):
#5 – Black-striped Squirrel (Callosciurus nigrovittatus):
#6 – Plantain Squirrel (Callosciurus notatus):
#7 – Lesser Treeshrew (Tupaia minor):
#9 – Dusky Langur (Trachypithecus obscurus):
- Painted Bronzeback (Dendrelaphis pictus). PH. 2024. At the lighthouse
- Cobra sp. 2022, at Thistle Resort.
- Singaporean Gliding Lizard (Draco abbreviatus). PH. 2022. Near the lighthouse. iNat post.
- Common Sun Skink (Eutropis multifasciata). NP. 2024.
- Double-spotted Gecko (Gekko monarchus). PH. 2022.

A dead Saltwater Crocodile washed up here in 2022 (iNat record).
Birds seen include the following:
- Red-legged Crake (Rallina fasciata). PH. 2024. Two seen 100m apart.
- Blue-winged Pitta (Pitta moluccensis). PH. 2024. One was seen twice (mid-morning and roosting) in the company of a Red-legged Crake.
- Barred Eagle Owl (Bubo sumatranus). PH. 2024. At the entry gate; one seen and another calling nearby.
- Collared Scops Owl (Otus lettia). PH. 2022+2024.
I visited the reserve on 19 July 2022 and 5 Dec 2024; day walks done with Chi Phan.
There is easy parking before the entrance gate. From the gate there is tarmac road (with restricted vehicle access) up to Cape Rachado Lighthouse, first built in 1528, reconstructed since then. The Lighthouse road is about 750 meters long and an easy walk. Before the lighthouse there is a decent trail with some steps leading down to Dutch Well and Pantai Keramat (the beach). There are a couple of huts on this trail; one had False Vampire Bats. Another of the dirt trails that turns left/east immediately after the entry gate and meets the Dutch Well Trail.
- iNat (2024 Dec). Bare-rumped Pouched Bat.
- MOL (2024 Dec). Pouched Bat.