Trip Summary: On a two-day stay I saw +14 mammal species including Anderson’s Four-eyed Opossum (Philander andersoni), Bishop’s Slender Opossum and what appears to be Amazonian Marsh Rat (Holochilus nanus). My lodge guide was Luis Mayanchi.
Paul Carter: (for ID comments or you can use the iNat links).
v1 posted: 2025 Jan 14 (updates likely on some species with tentative ID).
A) Mammal list
B) Mammal images
C) Reptile list
D) Bird records
E) Site and Trip information
F) References
Bat Audio: For bat records with AUDIO identification/support, I used an “Echo Meter Touch 2 Pro” ultrasonic module and the Echo Meter app; noting that taxonomy in the app is not current regarding splits. I only show audio records where I see the bat and where the size, behaviour and habitat fit the audio ID.
Abbreviations: PH – Photographed; NP – Not Photographed; iNat –; MDD – Mammal Diversity Database. Times are shown in 24-hour format e.g. 3:49 PM written as “1549h”.
- Anderson’s Four-eyed Opossum (Philander andersoni). PH. June 18, 1910h. iNat post.
- Northern Black-eared Opossum (Didelphis marsupialis), “Southern Opossum” in iNat. PH. June 19, 0043h.
- QUERY – Gracilinanus sp. PH. June 18, 1604h. Seen in a leaf nest 1.5 above ground. Very small; HB about 7 cm; reddish/chestnut dorsum. Tentative ID. iNat post.
- Bishop’s Slender Opossum (Marmosops bishopi). PH. June 18, 2203h. iNat post.
- Greater Sac-winged Bat (Saccopteryx bilineata). PH.
- Lesser Sac-winged Bat (Saccopteryx leptura). PH.
- Flat-faced Fruit-eating Bat (Artibeus planirostris). PH. June 18, 1052h. iNat post.
- Black Agouti (Dasyprocta fuliginosa). NP.
- Cuvier’s Spiny-rat (Proechimys cuvieri). PH. Common, terrestrial. ID notes: Photos of one (June 18, 2100h) showed clean white venter (so not P. brevicauda); well-haired tail (so not P. simonsi); dark feet with pale on top of toes. iNat post. It seems there are only three Proechimys in range here (north side of the Amazon River); noting that P. kulinae only occurs on the south side of the Amazon River.
- Ferreira’s Spiny Tree Rat (Mesomys hispidus). PH. June 19, 0104h. iNat post.
- White-bellied Arboreal Rice Rat (Oecomys bicolor)? June 19, 0043h. Might be another Oecomys sp.? TENTATIVE ID. iNat post.
- Amazonian Marsh Rat (Holochilus nanus). PH. June 18, 2023h. iNat post (8 photos). Compared to: Western Amazonian Water Rat (Nectomys apicalis) but that has pale grey or ocherous grey venter; and Amphinectomys savamis but ears and interdigital webbing do not fit. ID is not yet verified on iNat.
- QUERY – Carcelen’s Bristly Mouse (Neacomys carceleni). PH. June 18, 2311h. iNat post. TENTATIVE ID.
- Red-mantled Saddle-back Tamarin (Saguinus lagonotus). PH. Habituated. iNat post.
#2 – Northern Black-eared Opossum (Didelphis marsupialis):

#3 – Gracilinanus sp:

#7 – Flat-faced Fruit-eating Bat (Artibeus planirostris):

#9 – Cuvier’s Spiny-rat (Proechimys cuvieri):

#10 – Ferreira’s Spiny Tree Rat (Mesomys hispidus):

#11 – White-bellied Arboreal Rice Rat (Oecomys bicolor)?:

#12 – Amazonian Marsh Rat (Holochilus nanus):

#13 – Carcelen’s Bristly Mouse (Neacomys carceleni): 8 photos posted at iNat.

#14 – Red-mantled Saddle-back Tamarin (Saguinus lagonotus):

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- Giant Ameiva (Ameiva amieva). PH. Common.
- Collared Treerunner (Plica plica). PH.
- Tropical House Gecko (Hemidactylus mabouia). PH.
- Bridled Forest Gecko (Gonatodes humeralis). PH.

Data not entered.
The lodge is 40 km (25 mi) from Iquitos; located on northern bank of Amazon River. It is 2.5 km southeast of Mazan, a town on the banks of Rio Napo. Wi-Fi internet service was available in all public areas.
Coordinates of lodge restaurant: -3.510030 -73.063480
Lodge website:
During my two-day stay, 18-19 June 2023, I was accompanied by lodge bird-guide Luis Mayanchi; he was great and recommended. The lodge provided a boat transfer from Iquitos at 8.30 AM.
- Emmons L (1997). Neotropical rainforest mammals: a field guide (Second edition). Illustrated by F Feer. University of Chicago Press, Chicago, Illinois 60637, USA. ISBN 0-226-20721-8 (paperback).
- Velazco PM, Voss RS, Fleck DW, Simmons NB. (2021). Mammalian Diversity and Matses Ethnomammalogy in Amazonian Peru Part 4: Bats. Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 451:1-199.
- Voss RS, Fleck DW, Giarla TC (2024). Mammalian Diversity and Matses Ethnomammalogy In Amazonian Peru. Part 5. Rodents. Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 466:1-179. Issued 2024 April 18.
- Voss RS, Fleck DW, Jansa SA (2019 June). Mammalian Diversity and Matses Ethnomammalogy in Amazonian Peru. Part 3: Marsupials (Didelphimorphia). Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 432:1-90. 2019 June 14.
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