SUMMARY: At Sabang Beach and Cabayugan (Palawan Island) I saw nine mammal species including Palawan Pencil-tailed Tree Mouse. I also found a Palawan Treeshrew at night in its nest. I was with Chi Phan on a six-night trip (16-22 Jan 2025).
Paul Carter:
Posted: 2025 Feb 4
Abbreviations: PH – Photographed. NP – Not photographed. iNat – iNaturalist. MDD – Mammal Diversity Database. 24-hour time is written as “hhmm” e.g. “3:49 PM” is written as “1549” or “1549h”.
A) Mammal list
B) Mammal images
C) Reptiles
D) Site information
E) References
A. Mammal List
- Large Flying-Fox (Pteropus vampyrus). PH. Seen at Sheridan Organic Farm. PH. iNat post. They are also common over Puerto Princesa at around sunset.
- Lesser Short-nosed Fruitbat (Cynopterus brachyotis). PH. Seen at Sheridan Organic Farm.
- Diadem Leaf-nosed Bat (Hipposideros diadema). PH. Seen at Sheridan Organic Farm. iNat post.
- Philippine Palm Civet (Paradoxurus philippinensis). PH. One seen at Sheridan Organic Farm; it walked to within two meters of me before realizing I was there. iNat post. The species also occurs in the Mentawai Islands off Sumatra.
- Oriental House Rat (Rattus tanezumi). PH. Seen at Sheridan Organic Farm. iNat post.
- Palawan Pencil-tailed Tree Mouse (Chiropodomys calamianensis). PH. Seen at Sheridan Organic Farm (20250120-1954h). iNat post (first record on iNat).
- Northern Palawan Tree Squirrel (Sundasciurus juvencus). PH. Seen at Daluyon Resort (iNat post), Elephant Cave and Sheridan Organic Farm (iNat post). PH.
- Palawan Treeshrew (Tupaia palawanensis). PH. One seen at Sheridan Organic Farm (20250120-2025); seen at night in its nest six meters above ground. iNat post.
- Long-tailed Macaque (Macaca fascicularis). PH. Seen at Sabang Mangroves and Elephant Cave.
Other species: A bat circling the banana blossoms at Sheridan was probably Lesser Long-tongued Nectar Bat (Macroglossus minimus).
B. Mammal Images
#3 – Diadem Leaf-nosed Bat (Hipposideros diadema):

#5 – Oriental House Rat (Rattus tanezumi):

#6 – Palawan Pencil-tailed Tree Mouse (Chiropodomys calamianensis):

7 – Northern Palawan Tree Squirrel (Sundasciurus juvencus):

8 – Palawan Treeshrew (Tupaia palawanensis):

C. Reptiles
- Olive Ridley Sea Turtle (Lepidochelys olivacea). PH. Two images below. The Daluyon Resort was managing and protecting four nests and these were the first to hatch. Of the 83 eggs there were 78 hatchlings that survived; they hatched on 19 Jan and were released by the resort on 20 Jan. iNat post.
- Palawan Monitor Lizard (Varanus palawanensis). PH. Image below. Seen midday at the restaurant ponds at Daluyon Resort. Lf-20250118-1448h. iNat post.
- Maren’s Bronzeback (Dendrelaphis marenae). PH. Seen at Daluyon Resort (Jan 20 at 1213h). iNat post.
- Palawan Sun Skink (Eutropis sahulinghangganan)/ NP. Seen at at Daluyon Resort.
- Flat-tailed House Gecko (Hemidactylus platyurus). PH. Seen at at Daluyon Resort.
- Common Four-clawed Gecko (Gehyra mutilata).PH. Seen at at Daluyon Resort.

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D. Site Information
Sabang Beach: We stayed at Daluyon Beach and Mountain Resort (“Daluyon Resort”). I did not see any motorbike rental shops on the main street in town but did rent one through the hotel at PHP-1000/d (twice the price as that in Puerto Princesa). There were two ATMS in town that dispense up to PHP-10,000 per withdrawal.
Sabang Mangrove Swamp: Standard mangrove tours are 350 PHP; the early morning birding tour costs 450 PHP. Mangrove Cat Snakes are reported.
Puerto Princesa Subterranean River: At least eight species are reported from these caves but strong torchlight and camera flash are understandably not allowed (so no bat photography); we did not visit.
ATV Trail: The E-bird hotspot for Sabang – ATV trail (10°10’20.3″N 118°53’02.7″E) is 4 km from Sabang Beach. This point is at some houses on the eastern side of the road; I tried various paths but did not get access to any good forest; access in some places was hampered by flooded rice fields.
Elephant Cave: The cave is about 6.5 km southwest of Sabang Beach. It is easily visited from the main road but there is limited cave space (about 5 meters in); no bats were seen.
Sheridan Organic Farm: This farm has accommodation and is located 2.3 km southwest of Cabayugan town and about 600 meters west of Elephant Cave. I walked only the trails within the farm complex, in particular the farm track heading north of the main buildings. Dates visited: 20-22 Jan 2025.
E. References
- Esselstyn JA, Peter Widmann P, Heaney LR (2004). The mammals of Palawan Island, Philippines. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington 117(3):271–302.
- Hart C and Hart L (2020). Philippines 2020. A trip report posted on
- ADW – Tupaia palawanensis –
- GBIF – Tupaia palawanensis –
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