Pygmy Rabbit near Bannack State Park (Montana, USA), 2013.

Paul Carter. Revised 2024 Oct 11.
A version of this report was first posted (2013/2014) as a pdf on This revision notes the change of genus and corrects the state to Montana (and not Idaho).

I had two sightings of Pygmy Rabbit (Sylvilagus idahoensis) on Reservoir Creek road near Bannack State Park. This road turns west off Bannack Bench Rd a couple miles south of Bannack State Park (about 20 miles west of Dillon, Montana). At about 3.8 miles down Reservoir Creek Road there is a farmhouse; and beyond that there is a sagebush area at about 4.1 to 4.8 miles from the junction.

(1) 7 Oct 2013. Shortly before dusk, I had fleeting views of a grey ball that gave about 4 high-pitched
squeaks as it bolted into cover after I surprised it in sagebush area on the edge of a gully (about 4.7 mile from the junction).
(2) 8 Oct 2013. Yesterday’s view was not very good so Chi Phan and I returned the next day at 7.40 am and saw another at 8 am. It was resting/sunning itself at the entrance of its burrow about 50 meters off the road, but visible from the road (see image below). iNat post here.

Pygmy Rabbit (Sylvilagus idahoensis) in Montana (USA). Image # 20131008-1033
Pygmy Rabbit (Sylvilagus idahoensis) in center of image; in Montana (USA). Image # 20131008-1038

Other sites
The staff at Bannack State Park also said that they have been seen near the historic cemetery just outside
the old mining town. It is also reported off Dyce Creek Road. I had no luck at either site.

“Brachylagus idahoensis” is now treated as “Sylvilagus idahoensis” following Cano-Sanchez et al (2022) as noted in MDD-1/9.

Cano-Sánchez E, Rodriguez-Gomez F, Ruedas LA, Oyama K, Leon-Paniagua L, Mastretta-Yanes A, Velazquez A (2022). Using Ultraconserved Elements to Unravel Lagomorph Phylogenetic Relationships.
Journal of Mammalian Evolution 29(2):395-411. Abstract.
MDD-1/9: Mammal Diversity Database (2022 April). Mammal Diversity Database (Version 1.9) [Data set]. Zenodo. Published 1 April 2022.

Taman Negara (Malaysia) mammal trip – June 2012

On a  5 day visit with Dave Sargeant to Taman Negara NP (Peninsular Malaysia), in mid-June 2012, we saw 23 mammal species, 125 birds and 3 snakes. We spent 4 nights in the Kuala Tahan area and then 2 nights at Sungai Relau. The mammals seen included Malayan Tapir, Leopard Cat, Sundaic Arboreal Niviventer, Bower’s Berylmys, Grey Tree Rat and 6 squirrel species. Link to trip report pdf including photos:  20120617-TamanNegara(Malaysia)-PaulCarter-TRv2.

Prevost's Squirrel
Prevost’s Squirrel

Birds seen included Large Frogmouth, Barred Eagle-Owl, Jambu Fruit Dove and Garnet Pitta. Dave’s detailed report on the birding is posted on his website